Marc Weitzel
Retired Regional Manager for Asia and Pacific Islands, US Department of the Interior's International Technical Assistance Program
Marc graduated from Oregon State University in Wildlife Science. His work experience includes seasonal positions with Oregon State Parks and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and later serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia (projects with a university, a natural history museum, and a field station) and Papua New Guinea (associated with National Fisheries Division, Wildlife Division and National Parks Service projects, many in support of the Country's National Crocodile Project). He then joined the US Fish and Wildlife Service's National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) System as Refuge Manager at the former Vieques/Roosevelt Roads Field Station (Puerto Rico), then as Refuge Manager at Tijuana Slough NWR (California), to Acting Project Leader at the former San Diego based Southern California Coastal NWR Complex, and finally as Project Leader at the Ventura based Hopper Mt. NWR Complex, which included managing the initial years of the California Conder Recovery Program's condor release efforts. He also served as the Senior Advisor for the Department of Interior's International Technical Assistance Program, where he retired in June 2019 as the Asia and Pacific Islands Regional Manager. Marc has managed projects in Latin America, the Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, South/Central/East Asia, the South Pacific, and Eastern Europe. He is the recipient of numerous international, US Government, NGO, and State of California awards/recognitions. He has been a member of IUCN's World Commission on Protected Areas since 1993 and was a Federal Refuge/Wildlife law enforcement officer earlier in his career. He has presented at numerous international events. Marc has a lovely Neotropical nematode named after him, as a result of his work in Colombia.